Tips For Restoring Concrete Surfaces In Your Home

Whether your garage floor has seen better days or your patio is showing the signs of all those backyard barbecues, it is probably time for some restoration. If you're not experienced with concrete projects, don't let that deter you. When you understand some of the basic repair and restoration methods, you'll be better capable of deciding what you can tackle on your own. Here are a few of the things your concrete surfaces may need.

Dealing With Cracks And Holes

Changes in the ambient temperature and the soil temperature can lead to expansion that can cause cracks and chips in concrete. Sometimes, it creates small holes in the surface. If your concrete looks pitted, cracked or marked with holes, you can patch them fairly easily. The repairs are best done during the spring or summer, though. That warm, dry climate in those seasons will be more conducive to proper patching.

Sweep the whole area, then take a small brush and get rid of any dirt or debris inside the space you're going to patch. If you're dealing with small or narrow cracks, use a caulk material to fill the space in. Just make sure you leave a small space at the top, because the caulk will expand a little as it dries. For larger spaces, use a concrete filler product that sets fast.

Getting Rid Of Rust Stains

With concrete being so light in color, things like rust stand out significantly. If you're looking at rust rings and discoloration on the surface of the concrete, you'll need primer to cover that up. Start by sweeping the entire surface so that there's no dirt or debris. Rinse it all down and scrub stains with a mild detergent. Rinse the detergent away and let the concrete dry. Once it's dry, brush on primer in whatever color suits your preference. You will typically need several coats to get the job done.

You can also cover the whole thing with a concrete resurfacing mixture. Just pour it in the middle of the floor and distribute it in an even layer using a scraper or something similar. Make sure the surface is smooth when you apply it, because it will set however it's spread. This type of resurfacing actually creates a whole new top layer over the concrete.

No matter the task you have at hand, there are ways to deal with it either on your own or with the help of a local contractor. If you aren't confident in your skills, a contractor will help you evaluate the damage and choose the best course of action. For more concrete tips, reach out to a company like Island Ready-Mix Concrete.

About Me

Discussing Concrete Repairs

Hello. My name is Marliss. I created this site to talk to you about concrete repairs. The driveway and pathways in front of my home were covered with deep cracks when I moved in. I was unable to keep weeds and grass from growing through the cracks and worsening the condition of these concrete structures. I called a concrete contractor to come help me with the repairs to restore the look and function of my driveway and pathways. I will use this site to talk about performing these repairs and prevention tactics you can use to keep your concrete from cracking. Thank you.

